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Omnia Khaled

Omnia Khaled ; the promising Egyptian artist a winner of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award ; we have an interview with Miss/ Omneya Khaled , she is only 15 years old, she began her art trials since she was around 10 years old, and always trying to develop herself , and her art skills,

She has a great ambition abuot art specially portrait painting, she has a very special skill to make the portrait as real photo.

She shared her art in the contest of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award held in January 2021 and she got the 6th grade among the highly skilled and a very high performance famous and known artists allover the world.

The distinguished art work of Omnia Khaled , painted portrait of Morgan Freeman , with pencil only but really was amazing ..

Omnia Khaled ; a winner of the trophy of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award January 2021
Omnia Khaled , painted portrait of Morgan Freeman

انا امنيه خالد من مصر عندي 15 سنه بحب رسم من وانا صغيرة جدا بس ابتديت اتدرب اكتر واخده بشكل جدي لما كان عندي 10 سنين ومن وقتها وانا باتدرب وباتعلم اساليب مختلفه وخامات مختلفه و بتحسن يوم عن الي قبله و عندي اهداف كتير هحققها ان شاء الله بس مش بحب اتكلم عن اي هدف الا بعد ما احققه واكيد باتمني سنه جايه ان اكون في مكان احسن واكون حققت جزء من اهدافي و احب اذكر ان دي تاني مسابقه لي واول جائزه فعليا هاخدها وهفضل محتفظه وسعيده بيها طول حياتي في نهايه احب اشكر دكتور مصطفي صادق علي مسابقه الجميله دي

Omnia Khaled paints
Omnia Khaled painted a chick
Omnia Khaled painting a dog
Omnia Khaled painting a pear
Omnia Khaled ; a winner of the trophy of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award January 2021
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