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Category: Stories

The Triple Crime, A Sinister Death of Arthur Cole

The Triple Crime, A Sinister Death of Arthur Cole

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A crime in the snake island

A crime in the snake island

Detective John Harris had seen his fair share of gruesome crime scenes, but the one awaiting him on Snake Island’s..

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احسان عبد القدوس

احسان عبد القدوس

كاتب مصري، تعود جذوره إلى قرية الصالحية محافظة الشرقية فى يناير 1919 وتوفى فى 12 يناير 1990 ، تخرج من..

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The violet rose dances by Mostafa Sadek

The violet rose dances by Mostafa Sadek

Once upon a time, there were many roses in a garden of a lonely woman living beside the river, while..

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Mostafa Sadek stories at amazon.com

Mostafa Sadek stories at amazon.com

Some of Dr. Mostafa Sadek storeis are published at amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/-/ar/s?k=mostafa+sadek+books&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&dc&crid=212B4WU0AOV3Y&sprefix=mostafa+sadek+books%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C732&ref=a9_asc_11  Save as Image Save as PDF         

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Niles Media Press opinion about the Artist Dr/ Mostafa Sadek and his Cupid world and Heart of all of us paints

Niles Media Press opinion about the Artist Dr/ Mostafa Sadek and his Cupid world and Heart of all of us paints

Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek, Alexandria College of Medicine, holds a doctorate, medical analysis consultant, and has a diploma in arts…

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Mostafa Sadek Gallery

Mostafa Sadek Gallery

Mostafa Sadek  “Mostafa Eager Heart “ 1) Name    :   MOSTAFA MAHMOUD MOHAMED SADEK ( Mostafa Sadek ) 2) Skills in Arts   :..

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Egyptian queen Isis and King Ozoris STORY

Egyptian queen Isis and King Ozoris STORY

This is a real historical fiction of ancient Egyptian Queen Isis and King Ozoris , who was killed by his..

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ايزيس واوزوريس

ايزيس واوزوريس

بقلم د/ مصطفى صادق سبتمبر 2015 Sadeklab@yahoo.com 00966508470898 & 00201015100880 ms@mostafa-sadek.com هذه القصه حقيقيه وحدثت بالفعل فى مصر فى الفترة..

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