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- Posted by: Mostafa Sadek
- Posted in: ART CERTIFICATES, Art Exhibitions

Thank you all dear expert artists who gave their effort, time, and wonderful ideas to enrich art all over the world, hope you succeed and happiness and let us unite together to produce the best art which humans deserve. I Hope you happiness and in wonderful health, to meet again and again.

art certificates from Dr. Mostafa Sadek Art certificates of Dr Mostafa Sadek November 2020 Artist Văn Thạnh Betty Toufar Bobby Bautista Cathal O Malley Dr. Amr Amin Dr. Mostafa Sadek friends Elizabeth Anthony Eman ElAttal Eng. Hamada Abo Zeid Ibrahim Mohamed Ildikó Szegény Jankauskiene Jurate JM Mauri Juliana Barbosa Kerstin Birkheim Lelia Ortigão Mostafa sadek star friends Neli Tzintzeva Romeo Gabriel Rowan Colver Ruhul Amin Sabrin Farid Shajee Mathew Simo Simo Soni Patel Tabarè M. De Marco Tina Marzo Topan Artz Zsigmond István الفنان مصطفى صادق الفنانه آن الزعبى الفنانه نيرة على الناقد الدكتور حازم عبودى د. على سيد د. عمرو أمين عادل فهمي لبيب عبد القادر الحسينى عبد الناصر السعدنى غاده محمد قنديل لمياء بدران गणपत सिंह गणपत सिंह
Home - Paints & Sculptures
Nacionalidad: Colombiano.Facebook: Ernesto Fajardo PascagazaInstagram: ernestofpascagazaCorreo: ernestofajardopascagaza@gmail.comExperiencia artística: 30 años pintando como autodidacta.Evidencia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyw69R-k1ng&t=2s Profesor titular del DHFI de la USTA, Docente..