Dr. Gehad Mohamed manufacturing women’s jewelry and accessories , art workshop in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Dr. Gehad Mohamed manufacturing women’s jewelry and accessories , art workshop in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

As a practial activity in Arab Suns Art Forum number 1, there are many art workshops , and this is..

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Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art education Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art education Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Arab suns art forum Number 1 , and the honoring of art specialists and professors allover the world, and one..

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Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art erducation Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art erducation Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Arab suns art forum Number 1 , and the honoring of art specialists and professors allover the world, and one..

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Professor Dr. Amal Abu Zeid, Dean faculty of art education Minia University in Arab suns art forum No. 1

Professor Dr. Amal Abu Zeid, Dean faculty of art education Minia University in Arab suns art forum No. 1

Arab suns art forum Number 1 , and the honoring of art specialists and professors allover the world, and one..

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Arab suns art forum videos

Arab suns art forum videos

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=465774308165010&id=100041973339123&notif_id=1613386804727011&notif_t=tagged_with_story&ref=notif  Save as Image Save as PDF

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Arab suns art forum No. 1 (videos and art workshops)

Arab suns art forum No. 1 (videos and art workshops)

https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F100041973339123%2Fvideos%2F465222991553475%2F&show_text=true&width=560 https://www.facebook.com/100041973339123/posts/465227084886399/ https://www.facebook.com/100041973339123/posts/465234204885687/  Save as Image Save as PDF

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Arab suns art forum No. 1 since 12 to 18 February 2021 ملتقى الشموس العربيه رقم 1

Arab suns art forum No. 1 since 12 to 18 February 2021 ملتقى الشموس العربيه رقم 1

Arab suns art forum No. 1 ملتقى الشموس العربيه رقم 1 من 12 الى 18 فبراير 2021 Arab suns art..

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Emily Shih a special artist from Taiwan

Emily Shih a special artist from Taiwan

My name is Emily Shih. I am an artist from Taiwan. I work in acrylic and watercolor. I have been..

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Fotini Pappa amazing artist from Greece

Fotini Pappa amazing artist from Greece

My name is  Fotini  Pappa  and I live in Athens,  Greece.  Paint to express my feelings.  A great piece of..

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Betty Toufar

Betty Toufar

My name is Betty Toufar, and I live in a country that is in South America, Argentina A vast country,..

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Arab suns art forum No.1 will begin Friday 12 to 18/2/2021 ملتقى الشموس العربيه رقم 1 يبدأ يوم الجمعه 12 الى 18 فبراير 2021

Arab suns art forum No.1 will begin Friday 12 to 18/2/2021 ملتقى الشموس العربيه رقم 1 يبدأ يوم الجمعه 12 الى 18 فبراير 2021

لعاشقى الفن والفنون الجميله ، يقام معرض وملتقى الشموس العربيه برئاسه الفنان التشكيليه / لمياء بدران رئيسه الملتقى وأستاذ الحاسب..

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Certificates of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award contest No. 1 January 2021

Certificates of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award contest No. 1 January 2021

Congratulations to all winners, and thanks to all artists who share their beautiful art in the contest, The arrangement is..

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Special portraits

Special portraits

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Head of the dental clinic & head of infection control department from Alexandria , Egypt, working..

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Dr. Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award Contest   مسابقه جائزة د. مصطفى صادق العالمية للفنون

Dr. Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award Contest مسابقه جائزة د. مصطفى صادق العالمية للفنون

CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT 1- VALUABLE TROPHY to the best 5 Art works . 2- 100SR Cash reward  will be sent to..

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Mostafa Sadek in Akhbar AlMadina Press Journal

Mostafa Sadek in Akhbar AlMadina Press Journal

as regards the next exhibition of Mostafa Sadek, with the collaboration with Mr Wael Rafique and Miss Eman ElAttal in..

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قصه وراء كل لوحه                        Story behind every paint; My new book

قصه وراء كل لوحه Story behind every paint; My new book

إننى اقص فى هذا الكتاب قصص لوحاتى ، فإن الفن والحياه عبارة عن مجموعه من التفاعلات والقصص المتشابكه او المتداخله..

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International Creator Forum in Egyptian Opera 22 to 29 November 2020

International Creator Forum in Egyptian Opera 22 to 29 November 2020

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Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek (Paperback) in amazon now

Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek (Paperback) in amazon now

Philosophy of arts is a special philosophical view towards arts in general , with a special scope of the artist..

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Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek in Amazon.com

Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek in Amazon.com

My book Philosophy of arts by Mostafa Sadek now in Amazon.comكتاب فلسفه الفنون بقلم الفنان الدكتور مصطفى صادق الآن بموقع..

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SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my art (from minute 15:10 – 16:27)

SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my art (from minute 15:10 – 16:27)

SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my paints are showed in video (from minute 15:10 – 16:27) My paints in..

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Heart of all of us & Man and cat in SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair

Heart of all of us & Man and cat in SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair

My two art works “Heart of all of us” & “Man and cat” are in SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair..

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Life   الحياه

Life الحياه

I invite you to have a look on my life; so, let us watch my life as I planned exactly..

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لوحه “رجل وقطه” ولوحه “أحاسيس” للدكتور الفنان مصطفى صادق تفوزان بأعلى نسبه تصويت فى جوائز الفن العالميه بشنجهاى 2020

لوحه “رجل وقطه” ولوحه “أحاسيس” للدكتور الفنان مصطفى صادق تفوزان بأعلى نسبه تصويت فى جوائز الفن العالميه بشنجهاى 2020

أجمل التهانى لنا جميعا فقد حصلت على أعلى الأصوات في كلتا اللوحتين “#رجل و قطه” بعدد اصوات 28260 صوت وكذلك ولوحه #أحاسيس حصلت..

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