Mostafa Sadek Gallery
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- Posted by: Mostafa Sadek
- Posted in: Activities, Arts, Mostafa Sadek Gallery, Photo Album

Mostafa Sadek “Mostafa Eager Heart “

2) Skills in Arts: Author, Painter, Music Composer, Song & Story writer & poem


4) Birth date: 20/9/1962
5) Nationality: Egyptian ( Alexandria )
6) Languages: English (excellent)/ Arabic (Excellent)/ French (Good) / Italy & Spanish (Average) & &
8) Address: P.O.Box 5485 , Postcode 51911 , Unaiza, Al Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Egypt: Egypt: Borg AlArab Airport Road kilo 2 , AlHawareya, Borg AlArab
9) Job: Laboratory Director and Medical Director of Albaraka Medical Polyclinic, Unaizah, Saudi Arabia
10) Telephone: Mobile Saudi Arabia: 00966508470898 &
Egypt: 00201015100880
11) Scientific Certificates :
1- Medicine and Surgery, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt
2- Diploma in Public Health ( Microbiology ) Alexandria University
3- Master’s Degree in Medical Microbiology, Military Medical Academy, Cairo, Egypt
4- Doctor Degree in Medical Microbiology, Military Medical Academy, Cairo, Egypt
5- Laboratory Consultant A, Doctor degree in Medical Microbiology, Military Medical Academy,
6- Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Cyprus, CE.
7- Clinical Laboratory Consultant in Egypt and USA
8- Diploma in Fine Arts, Egyptian International Forum & Palestinian National Cultural Association.
9– Registered Master of Fine Arts; the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, USA
10- Honorary Doctorate Degree Dr.h.c. in PLASTIC ART, from Smart International College, England
11- Honorary Doctorate Certificate in Plastic art from Egypt Academy for Training and Development, Egypt
I am fond of arts and I love artists all over the world, that’s why I created my own art forum “Dr. Mostafa Sadek Global Art Forum” in which I arrange regular art contests on monthly basis, in the field of paintings, photography, music, stories, and poetry from artists all over the world, not yet, but also I created a special half-yearly global art contest and dedicate hundreds of gifts, certificates, trophies as well as reportage and cash prizes for the best art winners every 6 months.
I have a passion for Life, Science & Arts. However I am working as a laboratory consultant doctor, but I love arts especially painting, music composition as well as story writing. I began all of these three arts when I was a child, and they grew up with me in every stage of my life till now and forever.
Painting is the best art in that I can express myself and my thoughts quietly but very clearly, either with different colors or the idea and composition of the painting itself.
I love colors so much, which I can express either in painting or in the clothes I wear every day. Colors give life a very special taste and flavor. Colors can express happiness, sadness, conflict mood, and soul & thoughts.
Sometimes my paints are very simple and direct, while most of the time my paints are very deep and complicated and express their ideas in indirect ways.
I painted many paintings, I love Acrylic on canvas, however, sometimes I paint with oil on canvas or wood. I shared my paints in many art exhibitions, fairs & contests, both at actual International Art Fairs all over the world or online through the internet, either through my Arts Stories Music group on Facebook or other art groups. And also through my channel on YouTube videos as well as on
I expect to learn more advanced art techniques, and methods from life, experience, and people around me in the whole world.
My goal is to learn more, to get more knowledge, new techniques and advanced experiences to be able to give the best art to the world and people everywhere that deserve to be happy and to continue their lives with the best art they should see and feel.
I composed Symphonies, Music & Songs, and many wonderful Abstract Art Paints. My common name is Mostafa Eager Heart after my song Winds of Eager Heart (The tragedy and the happy versions), which I shared in Arabs Got Talent
I shared much of my artwork in international Facebook groups and international real exhibitions.
- Dec 2014; Original Art, Original Idea, International contest (Key of the Secrets)
- Jan 2015 ; Love & Peace contest ; (Cupid World)
- Jan 2015: Original Art, Original Idea, International contest (Cupid World)
- Jan 2015; My Favorite Naïve Art Contest 3rd place (Cupid World)
- Feb 2015: The Power of Arts, by Daniel Fieraru (Hard Rock )
- Feb 2015 ; WOA Contest ; (Hard Rock)
- Feb 2015; My Favorite Naïve Art Contest, 8th place (Hard Rock)
- Feb 2015, And Not Only Art, Its Life
- March 2015; Great International Art Contest by Danton SA admin (The Pianist)
- April 2015; Bronzen Award Original Art, Original Idea International Contest (Samba)
- April 2015 ; Skill of Art Contest Diploma (The Pianist)
- May 2015 ; Nobel World Artist Contest, Silver Award Certificate ( The Magic Diamond)
- June 2015 ; Art Express & Artist for Artist by Daniel Fieraru , Aja Art Suzana (The Pianist)
- Nov 2015 ; Best International Art Contest and Gallery ; (Key of the Secrets)
- 2015 till 2020 and still up to now; I shared and exhibited all my paints and musics, stories in my arts group Arts Stories Music of Mostafa Sadek.
- Sept 2020 ; Egyptian International Art Exhibition ملتقى مصر الدولى للفنون رقم 11 , Cairo ( Cupid World) and (Heart of All of Us )
- Sept 2020; Lamasat Gallery Exhibition, Cairo, Egypt. 3 – 10 Sept. 2020
- 8 Oct 2020 : October Victory Celebration Exhibition, Giza Cultural Center, Cairo
- 9 Oct. 2020 Kindness Exhibition, United Kingdom, Kind street studios Art Gallery, England
- The Global Art Awards contest; October 2020; I entered by two points: 1) Feelings 2) Man and cat
- 2020 Nov 16 – 28 ; International Creator Forum No. 10 in Opera, Cairo, Egypt
- 2020 Nov 20 – 21 ; Shanghai International Art Fair , Shanghai; China
- 2020 Nov 28 ; Festival Euro-African Exhibition ; Begium
- 2020 Nov. 26 – 3 Dec. 2020 ; Sahwet AlFan Art Fair No. 6, Gayer Anderson Museum, Cairo, Egypt.
- 2021 Jan 10 – 14; Cairo Art Exhibition, AlAhram Hall Gallery, Cairo, Egypt
- A Vice President; 2021 Feb 12-18 ; I am the vice president of the Arab Suns Art Forum , Cairo, Egypt.
- Honorary guest in the art forum “The city of the sun” in AlBaron palace 27 February 2021
- Aug 20-21 2021 ; Amsterdam International Art Fair AIAF 20-21 AUGUST 2021 at the Beurs van Berlage, Netherlands
Real art exhibitions 2021:
- 4-10 August 2021; My own exhibition “Bold ideas ” Cairo Opera
- 15-20 August 2021: My own exhibition “Colors” in Cairo Atelier, Egypt
As I encourage art and artists all over the world; my own special art contest named by: Dr. Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award, to dedicate my own special golden trophy to the super artists anywhere in the world, and I began this art contest and prize since January 2021.
MS Gallery
- Cupid world: painting was deposited in the Gayer Anderson Museum in ElSayeda Zeinab, Cairo – affiliated to the museum’s sector – the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
- Heart of All of Us: painting was deposited in the Gayer Anderson Museum in ElSayeda Zeinab, Cairo – affiliated to the museum’s sector – the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
- The Victory: painting was deposited in the subway metro, Ramsis AlShohadaa Station, in Cairo, for the memory of October Victory 1973.
- Man and Cat; got the highest votes in the Global Art Awards Nov.2020 (28260 votes) in Shanghai, China
- Feelings; got the highest votes in Global Art Awards Nov. 2020 (19889 votes) Shanghai, China
- The Pianist
- Life
- Hard Rock
- People
- Family
- Samba
- The Truth
- The Black Lights
- Sweet Home
- Thutmose III
- The Four Seasons
- Key of the secrets
- Flamingo
- Kaaba
- Internal Chains
- Life Chances Bubbles
- Horus
- Love wins
- The Other View
- Ocean Secrets
- The Silent Scream
- Wild Beauty
- Volcano
- Honey Moon
- Memories
- Galaxy
- Universe
- The Baby doctor
- Nature
- Mustang
- The Golden Dream
- Rain of gold
- The Magic Diamond
- The dolphin dream
- Something Good
- Romeo and Juliette
- Freedom
- The past and the future
- Girl with a pigeon
- Man and cat
- The great Egyptian papyrus
- Nefertiti secret code
- Cleopatra secret
- Tutankhamun secret code
- Mostafa Sadek portrait out of the dark
- I am alive
- The silent beach
- Wild and beautiful
- Red rose
- Violet rose
- Rose
- The wild rose
- Speed race
- Covid selfie
- Covid birthday
- Exciting happiness
- Born to die
- Coffee
- Up from the sky
- Above the clouds
- Banana woman
- Adam’s apple
- Coffee in my imagination
- The golden egg
- Flower in the eyes of a bee
- The hiding birds
- the smiling flowers
- My love
- The first kiss
- Unlimited ambition
- Colorful dreams
- Virgo
- The flying music
- Come to me honey
- Christmas
- Opera
- The woman
- Fingerprint
- life of all of us
- high heel
- Waves
- Ultrasound
- Domino
- My little submarine
- Friends
- Valentine’s day
- Sea waves
- The dancing flowers
- The Moon
- Marble (collection of 3 paints)
- Turquoise stone
- The quite shore
- Genetics (collection of 3 paints)
- The pink rose
- The wild road
- The purple rose
- why me?
- Innocent
- The inside
- The golden roots
- Immortal music notes
- Sampatic (Collection of 3 paints) (70*50, 60*40, 60*40) cm
- Back to the future
- Valentine’s day
- Marble
- And some sculptures: The Apple Tree, Chess, Bird of Heaven flower, The Happy Family

Dr. Mostafa Sadek , Medical Director & Head Laboratory Department

Some special portraits for some friends and special persons

Owner and admin of Facebook Group of Arts Stories Musics of Mostafa Sadek:
My Facebook Gallery
Official page :
- Music composition
- The Moon Symphony
- Symphony of the secrets
- Sea Wave Symphony
- Life Symphony
- Family Symphony
- The gate symphony
- Tulip Tears
- For A Diamond
- I am for free
- Laila
- Mermaid guitar
- Samba life
- Tango night
- Midnight Jazz
- Underwater dates
- Darker nights
- Be mine or you will be mine
- Dance on my pulse
- Sunrise
- Dreams music
- Happy day
- Charming Eyes
- Turn me on
- (The Moon Symphony , Sea Waves Symphony , Symphony of the secrets, Samba, Tango Night , Dance on my pulse , Charming Eyes , I am for free , and many other Arabic songs and English songs )
- Song writer , Story editor
- Playing Keyboard & Piano & Drums
- Singer
- Video Editing and production
- Camera and photography and video making (with sound or music)
- Computer & using Mixpad & all music editing programs & sound editor.. and video mixing
- High proficiency in Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop
- High proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint
- Author : Stories, Poem & Films
My books are published in Amazon, Google play, Lulu publisher and others:
A) Arabic Language Books:
ايزيس واوزوريس ، اسرار مومياء ،الماسه السحريه ، حرب العيون ، الوسادة المشحونه ، اين ذهبت النقود ، عودة مومياء ، الغابه السوداء ، صندوق العجوة ،سلسله قصص كود الحب ، مملكه بلوتو ، الجيل الجديد ، عودة مومياء ، الغابه السوداء ، البدايه الجديدة ، بروتوكول العمل بالمختبرات الطبيه
B) English language Books:
- Isis and Ozoris
- Mummy Secrets
- The Eye War
- Wars and Eyes
- The Magic Diamond
- The Charged Pillo
- Where is the Money
- The Black Forest
- Dates box
- Love Code (series)
- Pluto Kingdom
- Laboratory Procedures
- The New Generation Story
- The Mummy Return
- The Black Forest
- Pluto Kingdom (series)
- The New Beginning.
- The Baby Doctor
C) French Language Books:
- Le Diamant Magique
- Isis et Ozoris
D) Italian Language Books :
- Regina egiziana Isis e re Ozoris
Official pages:
11)Hobbies :
- Swimming
- Diving
- Tennis
- Squash
- Motorcycles and bikes
- Chess
- Dancing
- Music
- Painting
- Story writing
- Poem
11) You Tube Channel : Mostafa Sadek
12) My web Page on Facebook: Arts Stories Music of Mostafa Sadek :
13) my arts group on Facebook : Arts Stories Music of Mostafa Sadek:
14) Art jobs and experiences :
- Posting my arts, stories , music on my web page and on you tube and on my arts group & my Official Page
- shared some films and serials in Egypt (acting work)
- Joined Arabs Got talent 5th season 2016- 2017
- Shared my work in Egyptian International Art Exhibition 3 – 10 September 2020 ( Cairo ) .
- Shared my work in Lamasat Gallery Exhibition , Cairo, 3-10 September 2020.
Thank you,
Dr. Mostafa Sadek;
Mobile: 00966508470898
مجموعتى الفنيه على فيس بوك
السعوديه : 00966508470898 & مصر : 00201015100880
Saudi Arabia: 00966508470898 & Egypt: 00201015100880