Sawsan Ahmed, an Egyptian 12 years old child who graduated from Biological Science Faculty

The youngest faculty graduated child ever happened was the Egyptian student/ Sawsan Ahmed, she got the score GPA 4/4 all her study terms.
The genius Sansan already graduated from secondary school when she was only 9 years old, and she passed the PERT exam which is used to join college study.

Sawsan is planning to continue getting her learning progress in Florida faculty in the USA where she is planning to study Computer, chemistry and biology programming.
The Python program in the college already gave her a great attention to let her continue her study and researches.
Gina Ahmed, who is Sawsan’s mother confirmed that she was concerning her learning and study just by herself alone, while we as a family, just encourage her and give emotional support.
At first, while she joined the college, everybody helped her because she looked small but different from the others and they all confirmed her excellence.