Dr. Mostafa Sadek, artist & author
Mostafa Sadek “Mostafa Eager Heart “ 2) Skills in Arts: Author, Painter, Music Composer, Song & Story writer & poem..
افتتح الفنان ابراهيم محمد معرض ملتقى مدينه الشمس بقصر البارون امبان وهو يعتبر اول معرض يقام بقصر البارون منذ انشائه..
لعاشقى الفن والفنون الجميله ، أقيم معرض وملتقى الشموس العربيه بقيادة كل من الفنانه التشكيليه / لمياء بدران ،..
Manal Abo AlHasan made her special art workshop in the 6th day of the Arab suns art forum , with..
As schedules activities of Arab suns art forum by Lamiaa Badran and Dr. Mostafa Sadek, today, there is a wonderful..
SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my paints are showed in video (from minute 15:10 – 16:27) My paints in..
Man and Cat by Dr. Mostafa Sadek video description, please vote for me on the 1st place in Global Art..
Why the cat must win? Why I painted “MAN AND CAT”, WHY DID YOU VOTE FOR MY PAINT? The idea..
برنامج عيشها احلى -4-11-2020-اعداد / علا عثمان – تقديم / عزة عابدين – اخراج / شيماء فوزى ، وضيفه البرنامج..
This is a real historical fiction of ancient Egyptian Queen Isis and King Ozoris , who was killed by his..
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