Tag: مصطفى صادق

Mostafa Sadek Gallery

Mostafa Sadek Gallery

Mostafa Sadek  “Mostafa Eager Heart “ 2) Skills in Arts: Author, Painter, Music Composer, Song & Story writer & poem..

ملتقى مدينه الشمس بقصر البارون امبان بالقاهرة 27 فبراير 2021

ملتقى مدينه الشمس بقصر البارون امبان بالقاهرة 27 فبراير 2021

افتتح الفنان ابراهيم محمد معرض ملتقى مدينه الشمس بقصر البارون امبان وهو يعتبر اول معرض يقام بقصر البارون منذ انشائه..

Art forum “Arab suns number 1” by Mrs. Lamiaa Badran and Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Art forum “Arab suns number 1” by Mrs. Lamiaa Badran and Dr. Mostafa Sadek

    لعاشقى الفن والفنون الجميله ، أقيم معرض وملتقى الشموس العربيه بقيادة كل من الفنانه التشكيليه / لمياء بدران ،..

Manal Abo Alhasan art workshop in the ِart forum     ” The Arab suns” and the promising singar/ Farida Hasan

Manal Abo Alhasan art workshop in the ِart forum ” The Arab suns” and the promising singar/ Farida Hasan

Manal Abo AlHasan made her special art workshop in the 6th day of the Arab suns art forum , with..

Art workshop day 5 in arab suns art forum No. 1 Professor Dr. Gehad Mohamadin Morad

Art workshop day 5 in arab suns art forum No. 1 Professor Dr. Gehad Mohamadin Morad

As schedules activities of Arab suns art forum by Lamiaa Badran and Dr. Mostafa Sadek, today, there is a wonderful..

SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my art (from minute 15:10 – 16:27)

SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my art (from minute 15:10 – 16:27)

SIAF Shanghai International Art Fair video my paints are showed in video (from minute 15:10 – 16:27) My paints in..

Man and Cat by Mostafa Sadek description

Man and Cat by Mostafa Sadek description

Man and Cat by Dr. Mostafa Sadek video description, please vote for me on the 1st place in Global Art..

Man and Cat “The cat must win”

Man and Cat “The cat must win”

Why the cat must win? Why I painted “MAN AND CAT”, WHY DID YOU VOTE FOR MY PAINT? The idea..

Bosy Sadek opinion about Happiness, Love & Life in TV Alexandria Channel 5

Bosy Sadek opinion about Happiness, Love & Life in TV Alexandria Channel 5

برنامج عيشها احلى -4-11-2020-اعداد / علا عثمان – تقديم / عزة عابدين – اخراج / شيماء فوزى ، وضيفه البرنامج..

Egyptian queen Isis and King Ozoris STORY

Egyptian queen Isis and King Ozoris STORY

This is a real historical fiction of ancient Egyptian Queen Isis and King Ozoris , who was killed by his..