Tag: Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award Free Contest 2025

Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award Free Contest 2025

One of the cultural activities of Mostafa Sadek Group.LLC (USA) Dr. Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award  (Free contest) 2025   مسابقه..

Back to the future, by Mostafa Sadek

Back to the future, by Mostafa Sadek

In this painting, everyone can see his life road, memories and love through coffee smoke flying in front of our..

FREE CONTEST OF Global Art Award 2022 BY Dr. Mostafa Sadek

FREE CONTEST OF Global Art Award 2022 BY Dr. Mostafa Sadek

مسابقه مجانيه لجائزة د. مصطفى صادق العالمية للفنون 2022 CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT ALL ARTISTS ALLOVER THE WORLD 1- The top 10 winners..

Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek , paperback, in amazon

Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek , paperback, in amazon

In this book, I show many of my paints mixed with my thoughts and ideas, memories, life lessons, colors, I..

Colors contemporary art exhibition in Cairo Atelier House 15 – 20 August 2021 by Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Colors contemporary art exhibition in Cairo Atelier House 15 – 20 August 2021 by Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Colors contemporary art exhibition in Cairo Atelier House 15 – 20 August 2021 by Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Bold ideas contemporary art exhibition in Cairo Opera House 4 – 10 August 2021 by Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Bold ideas contemporary art exhibition in Cairo Opera House 4 – 10 August 2021 by Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek

Bold ideas contemporary art exhibition in Cairo Opera Bold ideas contemporary art exhibition by Dr. Mostafa Sadek in Cairo Opera..

اعلان نتيجه الفائزين بملتقى يوم الشمس بقصر البارون ٢٧ فبراير ٢٠٢١

اعلان نتيجه الفائزين بملتقى يوم الشمس بقصر البارون ٢٧ فبراير ٢٠٢١

اعلان نتيجه الفائزين بملتقى يوم الشمس بقصر البارون ٢٧ فبراير ٢٠٢١ اود ان اقول ان هذه الاعمال يتم النظر لها..

Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award to the best 5 works Sahwet alfan art exhibition in Cairo Atelier 28 March 2021

Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award to the best 5 works Sahwet alfan art exhibition in Cairo Atelier 28 March 2021

I have been honored to be invited to the distinguished art exhibition by a very special contemporary artist/ Ibrahim Mohamed..

لقاء مع الفنانه المتميزة شيماء حليم المشهورة باسم رسامه العندليب والزمن الجميل

لقاء مع الفنانه المتميزة شيماء حليم المشهورة باسم رسامه العندليب والزمن الجميل

الفنانه شيماء حليم من الفنانين المتميزين من القاهرة : اسمى شيماء حليم ورسامه فنانين زمان وإننى اراها فنانه تعتبر نافذه..

Dr. Mostafa Sadek vice president , speach at the end of The Arab suns art forum

Dr. Mostafa Sadek vice president , speach at the end of The Arab suns art forum

كلمه الفنان الدكتور مصطفى صادق نائب رئيس ملتقى الشموس العربيه للفنون مساء الخير .. كنت اتمنى ان اكون بينكم لأتشرف..

The day of the sun art exhibition in AlBaron Palace Cairo 27 Febriary 2021

The day of the sun art exhibition in AlBaron Palace Cairo 27 Febriary 2021

I have been honored to be invited to the destinguished art exhibition by Mr. special contemporary artist/ Ibrahim Mohamed ,..

Omnia Khaled

Omnia Khaled

Omnia Khaled ; the promising Egyptian artist a winner of Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award ; we have an..

Dr. Gehad Mohamed manufacturing women’s jewelry and accessories , art workshop in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Dr. Gehad Mohamed manufacturing women’s jewelry and accessories , art workshop in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

As a practial activity in Arab Suns Art Forum number 1, there are many art workshops , and this is..

Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art education Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art education Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Arab suns art forum Number 1 , and the honoring of art specialists and professors allover the world, and one..

Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art erducation Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Professor Dr. Hend Saad, Faculty Of Art erducation Minia University in Arab Suns Art Forum No. 1

Arab suns art forum Number 1 , and the honoring of art specialists and professors allover the world, and one..

Special portraits

Special portraits

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Head of the dental clinic & head of infection control department from Alexandria , Egypt, working..

Mostafa Sadek in Akhbar AlMadina Press Journal

Mostafa Sadek in Akhbar AlMadina Press Journal

as regards the next exhibition of Mostafa Sadek, with the collaboration with Mr Wael Rafique and Miss Eman ElAttal in..

قصه وراء كل لوحه                        Story behind every paint; My new book

قصه وراء كل لوحه Story behind every paint; My new book

إننى اقص فى هذا الكتاب قصص لوحاتى ، فإن الفن والحياه عبارة عن مجموعه من التفاعلات والقصص المتشابكه او المتداخله..

Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek (Paperback) in amazon now

Philosophy of arts by Dr. Mostafa Sadek (Paperback) in amazon now

Philosophy of arts is a special philosophical view towards arts in general , with a special scope of the artist..

اليوم الوطنى السعودى                     ٍSaudi National Day

اليوم الوطنى السعودى ٍSaudi National Day

فى اليوم الوطنى السعودى  2020 / 1442 وطنى      سألونى عن مجدى أصلى وأوطانى                 رد الفؤادينا مصرى وسلمانى..



To all laboratory workers all over the world, I hope you love and succeed in your laboratory work. Remember that..

Mostafa Sadek stories at amazon.com

Mostafa Sadek stories at amazon.com

Some of Dr. Mostafa Sadek storeis are published at amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/-/ar/s?k=mostafa+sadek+books&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&dc&crid=212B4WU0AOV3Y&sprefix=mostafa+sadek+books%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C732&ref=a9_asc_11

ايزيس واوزوريس

ايزيس واوزوريس

بقلم د/ مصطفى صادق سبتمبر 2015 Sadeklab@yahoo.com 00966508470898 & 00201015100880 ms@mostafa-sadek.com هذه القصه حقيقيه وحدثت بالفعل فى مصر فى الفترة..