The day of the sun art exhibition in AlBaron Palace Cairo 27 Febriary 2021
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- Posted by: Mostafa Sadek
- Posted in: Art Exhibitions, Arts, Stars

I have been honored to be invited to the destinguished art exhibition by Mr. special contemporary artist/ Ibrahim Mohamed , the president of this art event , which will be held in Albaron palace, Cairo, Egypt in Saturday 27/2/2021
I announce that I will give my prize known by my name “Dr. Mostafa Sadek global art award” to the best first five art works .

It is already known that I am an art lover and I encourrage all types of arts and all artists allover the world.
Good luck for all

Albaron Palace art exhibition by Ibrahim Mohamed and Mostafa Sadek Dr. Mostafa Sadek Dr. Mostafa Sadek distributes his global art award to 5 winners Dr. Mostafa Sadek Global Art Award Ibrahim Mohamed The day of hhe sun art exhibition الفنان ابراهيم محمد جائزة الدكتور مصطفى صادق العالميه لأفضل 5 أعمال بقصر البارون د. مصطفى صادق د. مصطفى صادق يقوم بتوزيع جوائز عالميه بالملتقيات الفنيه قصر البارون ملتقى فنى بقصر البارون 27 فبراير 2021 ملتقى ومعرض يوم الشمس بقصر البارون
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