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The violet rose dances by Mostafa Sadek

The violet rose dances – Mostafa Sadek

Once upon a time, there were many roses in a garden of a lonely woman living beside the river, while every day she walks between the small tiny road in the little garden, she noticed that there is a very little violet rose over there alone at the corner, just without any movement and there were no flowers around either.

The old lady went towards the rose and found a spider’s net around the flower, she bent herself and took the net off the flower, and brought some water in a small bucket, then watered the rose.

The dancing violet rose by Mostafa Sadek

But she felt that the rose began to move towards her and bent her shaft as if she salutes the old lady.

On the second day, the lady goes towards the rose directly to follow her status, and once she became closer, and watered the rose again, the violet rose bent herself again towards the lady and began to make some movements, as the lady was singing. The lady felt very happy to share her happy moments with that rose, and since that time, the rose danced every time the lady come to visit her.

This is the story of the dancing violet rose.

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