Betty Toufar

My name is Betty Toufar, and I live in a country that is in South America, Argentina A vast country, with all kinds of soils and different landscapes, that makes me love it deeply.
I started painting as a child with my mother … but one day, talking with my three children and a medical professional, he asked me, what would I do when my children each made their lives … and only God could put these words in my mouth: “PAINTAR DOCTOR”.
From that moment I started, practicing techniques, such as soft pastel painting and watercolor … but … I leaned towards oil. I am self-taught, I did not take any course, painting, perhaps it is my genes and my desire to learn that I slowly progressed.

In my early days I painted landscapes and still lifes, which allowed me to practice different textures … I must admit, I always liked: “the human figure” I have painted a lot … maybe that was my way of learning !!!
Today, being an old person with a young heart, I must say that art, painting, has filled my days … that I could not be, without doing something, without reading, without commenting, and sharing what I do in my Facebook.
Today, being an old person with a young heart, I must say that art, painting, has filled my days … that I could not be, without doing something, without reading, without commenting, and sharing what I do in my Facebook.

Through this medium, my facebook, I met many painters friends, such as Dr. Mostafa Sadek, who a few years ago, made two videos, with my paintings, accompanied by beautiful music, interpreted by him, on his piano.

I am grateful to life, to my parents, who bequeathed their genes to me, to my children, who gave me the time to dedicate myself to art, and above all to God, his name does not matter … we all have a God, who gives us his hand in difficult moments, and gives us his smile, when something makes us happy, like ‘in this moment “!!! …
Thank you dear friend Mostafa Sadek
Betty Toufar, from Argentina