Fotini Pappa amazing artist from Greece

My name is Fotini Pappa and I live in Athens, Greece. Paint to express my feelings. A great piece of my work concerns projects inspired by poems. I use acrylics, water colors and mostly pencil which I particularly love. My favorite painting subjects are flowers and women. In turn Woman is Flower I participated in several exhibitions in my country and internationally.
The series is dedicated against violence against women. For the last 2 years I have been working and on different topics outside the series.
Poetry becomes her place of inspiration. Her works adorn the covers of 15 poetry collections. Participates in 9 art anthologies, 4 art diaries and 8 International Art books.

The series ” WOMAN IS FLOWER ” receives dozens of awards. Participates in group exhibitions abroad such as .. INDIA, Sicily, Switzerland, New York , Zurich, Miami, Rome, Malaisia , Barcelona , Libya, Argentina and in 95 teams in her country ..

4 individual … In 2014 at the Municipal Gallery “Giannis Morallis” in Preveza … In 2016 at the Municipal Library of Kiato … In 2016 at Thessaloniki…. In 2017 at the exhibition space of Athens Heart, Athens.