Dr Mostafa Sadek Artist’s words:
The Past and the Future: Description of my paint: I show in my paint the green traffic light showing all the brains going on and on , looking by their eyes to the front , to the future, with different speeds , and mode colors of their personalities , some are emotional painted with some red colors, and some with green coloration to be optimistic and some are intelligent with silver coloration, while some are more faster and more intelligent to be more gold to be the most brilliant brains just we can see them crossed already the whole paint and very golden colors and we just can see their backs because of their speed and going on fast in the life and towards the future thinking.
While some other brains decide to go back and change their direction with the U turn , while some other brains shown standing on the red crossing traffic lights on the right and on the left sides of my paint. I show
On the other hand, there is one very prominent and isolated brain, his direction stands to the front, while his eyes keep looking to his past , watching himself as an animal in the past and suffering just as that donkey while the low-minded driver drives his donkey cart with a donkey and strikes and tortures the donkey, and the donkey suffers from dragging the carriage with a donkey with difficulty and both the suffering donkey and the mentioned mind looking back to his past painted with the same dull grey color , to show the them as similar feelings.
I drew the donkey and the brain that looks back and its painful past in a light gray and non-shining color to show their similarity and show the extent of misery and the gloom of their lives, so it stands in the middle of the road, his body is physically directed forward like the rest of the brains that walk on the road ahead, but actually his thinking and thoughts all stand instead, it retreats back motionless, clinging to its painful past.
I also want to show another explanation, that the driver of a donkey cart hits the donkey, which also indicates that even a simple-minded person appears as if he is urging the donkey to correct his eyes and look forward, and to walk in the right direction as forward and look to the future , with an indication that he wants to tell this dull mind to look forward as it should be and look to the future like the rest of the brains to continue his life as normal.
Heart of All of Us: Every one of us has an experience whether emotional or practical or life accident, which injured our heart, but it will pass fast and will be forgotten just as the fish small memory, however, the effects of this or these experiences will hurt us, and the raised pressure represented under the water and in the very deep dark sea, expressed by the sea colors, at the surface to be light blue, then blue, then dark blue to progress into the black at the sea ground, expressing the aging process which gain us experience , while no one can see us, and no one can hear us even if we scream loud, just us ourselves and our bubbles and our suffer and pains and suffer and tension , but we cure this injuryor experience with our hands , as we use fire of the underwater electric welding machine and fix our hearted heart by the melted alloy of gold, which when melted , the gold drops and melted golden pieces will also mix with our blood drops and with the pain threads which when reach the ground will make us more harder like the hard rocks , and this blood will irrigate the land and produce the precious coral reefs, and underwater green plants and life as a new start, and also a new life and beginning represented in the green color of the diving suit that we wear, and only with our hands we will make our new life again.
This contemplative exhibition brings together the work of 35 artists from many different countries and continents.We hope it offers time for reflection on the value of sharing and understandingKindness:noun: the quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality (Cambridge Online Dictionary)
We have and continue to find ourselves living through challenging times which keep us apart from all the normal daily activities and relationships that provide the foundation for our mental health and sense of well being.
Mark Rowland, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said: “Now more than ever, we need to re-discover kindness in our daily lives …
“Kindness unlocks our shared humanity and is central for our mental health. It has the potential to bring us together with benefits for everyone, particularly at times of great stress …”
Kindness manifests itself in and may be interpreted in many different ways: the works presented in this exhibition offer wide ranging expressions of how the concept of KINDNESS might be represented both visually and within the sentiment of the individual artists’ accompanying words.We would like to thank all the artists for their submissions and we hope that looking through the exhibition and the diverse artistic responses will offer an opportunity to reflect upon ‘our shared humanity’ and the simple acts of kindness that can mean so much to all of us.
Through the link below we would like to encourage you to:
- share your own ideas/examples of kindness.
- leave comments on individual artworks or artists
- ask us for more details of particular artists
- find out more about purchasing one of the art works
All prices are for the work: price for mount and/or frame, where needed, will be negotiated separatelyWe will donate 50% of our commission from any sales to Mental Health Charities

This contemplative exhibition brings together the work of 35 artists from many different countries and continents.We hope it offers time for reflection on the value of sharing and understanding
Kindness: noun: the quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality (from the Cambridge online dictionary)
We have and continue to find ourselves living through challenging times which keep us apart from all the normal daily activities and relationships that provide the foundation for our mental health and sense of well being.
Mark Rowland, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said: “Now more than ever, we need to re-discover kindness in our daily lives …
“Kindness unlocks our shared humanity and is central for our mental health. It has the potential to bring us together with benefits for everyone, particularly at times of great stress …”
Kindness manifests itself in and may be interpreted in many different ways: the works presented in this exhibition offer wide ranging expressions of how the concept of KINDNESS might be represented both visually and within the sentiment of the individual artists’ accompanying words.
We would like to thank all the artists for their submissions and we hope that looking through the exhibition and the diverse artistic responses will offer an opportunity to reflect upon ‘our shared humanity’ and the simple acts of kindness that can mean so much to all of us.
Through the link below we would like to encourage you to:
share your own ideas/examples of kindness.leave comments on individual artworks or artistsask us for more details of particular artistsfind out more about purchasing one of the art works
All prices are for the work: price for mount and/or frame, where needed, will be negotiated separately
We will donate 50% of our commission from any sales to mental health charities