لوحه “رجل وقطه” ولوحه “أحاسيس” للدكتور الفنان مصطفى صادق تفوزان بأعلى نسبه تصويت فى جوائز الفن العالميه بشنجهاى 2020

أجمل التهانى لنا جميعا فقد حصلت على أعلى الأصوات في كلتا اللوحتين “#رجل و قطه” بعدد اصوات 28260 صوت وكذلك ولوحه #أحاسيس حصلت..

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Man and Cat & Feelings got the highest votes of Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek in The Global Art Awards 2020 compition in Figurative & Abstract art contest sections

Man and Cat & Feelings got the highest votes of Artist Dr. Mostafa Sadek in The Global Art Awards 2020 compition in Figurative & Abstract art contest sections

CONGRATULATIONS, I have got the highest votes in my both paintings #Man_and_cat_paint_of_Mostafa_Sadek_28260_votes & #Feelings_paint_of_Mostafa_Sadek_19889_votes  in the #Global_Art_AwardsThe Global Art Awards and #Shanghai_International_Art_Fair_November_2020 #SIAF..

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Man and Cat by Mostafa Sadek description

Man and Cat by Mostafa Sadek description

Man and Cat by Dr. Mostafa Sadek video description, please vote for me on the 1st place in Global Art..

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Man and Cat “The cat must win”

Man and Cat “The cat must win”

Why the cat must win? Why I painted “MAN AND CAT”, WHY DID YOU VOTE FOR MY PAINT? The idea..

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Thank you all dear expert artists who gave their effort, time, and wonderful ideas to enrich art all over the..

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Bosy Sadek opinion about Happiness, Love & Life in TV Alexandria Channel 5

Bosy Sadek opinion about Happiness, Love & Life in TV Alexandria Channel 5

برنامج عيشها احلى -4-11-2020-اعداد / علا عثمان – تقديم / عزة عابدين – اخراج / شيماء فوزى ، وضيفه البرنامج..

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The Global Art Awards

The Global Art Awards

Man and Cat Acrylic on canvas 100 * 70 cm SKU: AXLMC1020BWPB https://1.shortstack.com/3S0wmS/rr1b0?we=82977539-256950282 Feelings Acrylic on canvas 40 * 40..

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Heart of all of us & The past and the future paints in kingstreetstudios art Exhibition

Heart of all of us & The past and the future paints in kingstreetstudios art Exhibition

https://www.kingstreetstudios.art/kindness https://www.kingstreetstudios.art/kindness#&gid=1682913813&pid=1 https://www.kingstreetstudios.art/kindness#&gid=1682913813&pid=2 Dr Mostafa Sadek Artist’s words:The Past and the Future: Description of my paint: I show in my paint the green..

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Imma Aldi

Imma Aldi

Imma Aldi ‘Un’artista e scrittrice italiana molto bella e molto speciale di Caserta, Italia, quando ha scritto poesie, vive dentro..

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THE PAST AND THE FUTURE , Acrylic on canvas, 120 *100*2 cm, 3/10/2020 ,  SKU AXLPF1020BYSG I show in my..

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Endorsement إقرار

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النصر:  بالألوان الأكريليك على الكانفاس عرض 120 سم ، ارتفاع 100 سم ، سمك 5 سم ، SKU AXLV1020RBGS إن..

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مؤسسه الحسينى الثقافيه Husseini Cultural Foundation

مؤسسه الحسينى الثقافيه Husseini Cultural Foundation

انها مؤسسه ابداعيه وتشجع الثقافه والفنون والأدب .. تم انشاء هذه المؤسسه فى عام 2013 وقم تم اتخاذ مقر لها..

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Romeo et Juleat

Romeo et Juleat

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The rain of gold

The rain of gold

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Sweet home

Sweet home

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The Universe

The Universe

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اليوم الوطنى السعودى                     ٍSaudi National Day

اليوم الوطنى السعودى ٍSaudi National Day

فى اليوم الوطنى السعودى  2020 / 1442 وطنى      سألونى عن مجدى أصلى وأوطانى                 رد الفؤادينا مصرى وسلمانى..

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To all laboratory workers all over the world, I hope you love and succeed in your laboratory work. Remember that..

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دراسة تحليلة بقلم الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور حازم عبودي السعيدي ناقد فني وباحث فنان تشكيلي عراقى عن الفنان / وائل فتحى..

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Monochrome exhibition by Lamasat Gallery 27 Sept to 1 Oct 2020

يتشرف جاليرى لمسات بأقامة معرض منوكروم” الأعمال الفنية احادية اللون “سواء كانت اعمال رصاص او ابيض واسود او حبر يقام..

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The best 5 paints in Lama Satt Gallery Exhibition

The best 5 paints in Lama Satt Gallery Exhibition

تشرف جاليري لمسات بتكريم افضل خمس اعمال فنية مشاركة فى معرض “مبدعات”فى نسخته الثانية 1st position Mai Eisa Rashwan المركز..

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Tina Marzo la geniale artista italiana

Tina Marzo la geniale artista italiana

Tina Marzo, Ha studiato pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti e vive a Maglie, Italia. È una brillante artista professionista di..

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Aramon Dimova a special painter from Bulgaria

Aramon Dimova a special painter from Bulgaria

Aramon Dimova was born in the capital of Bulgaria, but lives in its sea capital – Varna. She has made..

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Sea waves symphony “A” minor  سيمفونيه البحر

Sea waves symphony “A” minor سيمفونيه البحر

Sea waves symphony A minor , Composed and played by Dr. Mostafa Sadek

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Nayera Ali , Specialized in natural leather crafts

Nayera Ali , Specialized in natural leather crafts

Nayera Ali BA in Quality Education, Department of Art Education, I studied at the university, photographing, designing, sculpting, printing, and..

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Tad , the wonderful late Egyptian artist

Tad , the wonderful late Egyptian artist

Tad is considered as a leader in the popular egyptian life style art , he magnifies the simple resident and..

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Dr Ismail Abo ElYazid AlRasoul , the poem writer

Dr Ismail Abo ElYazid AlRasoul , the poem writer

The writer / Ismail Abo Elyazeid AlRasoul.A graduate of Alexandria University .. Faculty of MedicineHe loves literature and writing books.A..

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